2022 Buget for reference only

The Revenue and Expenditure Budget is approved every year in April by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Below are the working hypotheses of the management team for the 2021 – the indicative proposal to be presented to the shareholders in the GMS.

Element (figures in thousands of RON) Training Vs 2021 Integration Vs 2021 Consolidated Vs 2021
Turnover 23.872 69% 134.621 37% 158.493 41%
Direct expenses 10.420 50% 99.739 23% 110.159 25%
Gross margin 13.451 87% 34.882 104% 48.333 99%
Indirect expenses (out of which) 10.791 21% 18.695 50% 29.486 38%
Sales/distribution expenses 5.205 33% 9.350 67% 14.555 53%
Hours/worker Indirect expenses 2.299 40% 4.630 42% 6.929 6%
Administrative expenses 3.286 -11% 4.714 86% 8.001 15%
EBITDA 2.660 424% 16.186 0% 18.847 114%
Depreciation 1.023 -21% 987 -7% 2.011 -15%
Operating profit 1.763 -324% 15.198 110% 16.961 163%
Financial Profit 1.250 -87%
SOP adjustment 840 -21%
Gross profit 17.371 8%
Net profit 14.592 4%

The assumptions on which this budget is built are, we believe, conservative, and they are set out below:

  1. Sales increase only with the current backlog, otherwise we repeat the year 2021
  2. We are not completing any M&A projects in 2022
  3. The gross margin therefore increases by only 2x compared to sales, although historically this multiplier is 3-6x;
  4. Administrative expenses increase by 15%, versus the historical downward trend;
  5. The financial business only generates 1.25 million profit, versus 9.7 previously
  6. We do not attract capital of any kind, nor do we reduce the interest paid.